Portable Shelters & Protected Spaces - Mifram Security
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Portable Shelters & Protected Spaces


How “portable” are your portable shelters?

Our portable shelter solutions can be moved with the minimum need for special equipment and site preparation. Some are ‘place and use’ shelters, others may require connection to a power supply or other utilities at the client’s request. All provide excellent ballistic and blast protection and can be relocated with relative ease.

We need a fast, re-locatable public shelter solution– can Mifram help?

Yes! Mifram’s Round Shelter has been developed to meet the specific needs of rapidly changing environments. The simple, cylindrical steel structure can be picked up, transported and put down without any special preparations and is ready for immediate use. When not in use, the external walls can be used as a billboard for providing information or even generating revenues.

Do you provide Bio/ Chemical shelters?

Yes. Mifram’s Gabriel is a totally self-contained B/C and ballistic shelter that provides total protection for 12 to 20 people for an extended period of time. The unit is ready for immediate also be used as an emergency, long term shelter, for remote locations under attack by hostile forces.

Are your shelter solutions just for the military?

Mifram also supplies portable shelter solutions to the general public and has developed unique solutions that can move with the family. The MBS, can be installed in the garden or next to the home by a team of 2 and the unique ResCube – a foldable safe room that can be retro-installed in any room in the home.

Are your shelter solutions customizable?

No solution can meet all demands and needs. That’s why, at Mifram, we design our units so that each client can customize their shelters to fit their needs and get maximum advantage from their investment. Contact us to find out more.



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